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Tag «NoSQl»

Database Types – The 8 Most Important Products in 2024

Which database types should you know? What are the differences? Which one should I choose? This article aims to answer these questions. Let’s get started! 1 So many databases – why?1.1 Relational – SQL1.2 Not ONLY relational – NoSQL1.3 Which database should I choose?2 8 Examples of Databases2.1 Relational databases – the enduring classic2.2 Graphs …

Databases Types – The 8 Examples You Need To Know

All Database Types - Coding Tutorials Steffen Lippke

Which database examples should one know? What are the differences? Which one should I choose? These are the questions this article aims to clarify. Let’s begin! 1 So many databases – Why?1.1 Relational – SQL1.2 Not ONLY relational – NoSQL1.3 Which database should I choose?2 8 examples of databases2.1 Relational databases – The enduring classic2.2 …


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