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Category «Applied Cybersecurity»


Cybersecurity takes more than a few cyber geeks.

Cybersecurity is a holistic approach that is not limited to computers.

Read here to learn more….

Home Office Security – TOP 14 Actions Checklist (2024)

Home Office Security Tipps

What does good home office security look like ? What is different? More dangerous or more secure? This guide gives you 14 concrete tips on how to continue IT security in the home office. Let’s get started! 1 What’s different about working from home?1.1 What are the risks?1.2 What makes it difficult?2 14 Tips for …

Which storage is most secure? Best Option on Market

Secure Storage Types - Hacking Tutoirals Security Steffen Lippke

You need a secure storage? You’ve often heard the term, but you can’t do anything with it. I’ll show you all the ways you can store content securely at low cost. Let’s get started! 1 What does secure mean?2 Surviving hardware failures2.1 Every storage device has a limited lifespan2.2 Implementation with home servers3 Most secure …

Encrypt Email Outlook – 10 Steps Tutorial (2024)

You want to encrypt an email in outlook? The content is top secret and only the recipient should be able to read the message? This guide will give you instructions. Let’s start! 1 Why are normal (secure) emails not secure?1.1 The inventor of e-mail1.2 Encryption was not necessary in the past ..2 What is the …

Secure Boot Enabling? Theft protection and encryption

Secure Boot Explained - Hacking Tutoirals Security Steffen Lippke

What is Secure Boot? This article explains Secure Boot and how you can effectively protect your data. Let’s start! 1 What happens when booting with Secure Boot?1.1 1. The power of the button1.2 2. Warming up – But what first?1.3 3. The all-round check-up1.4 4. Booting yes, but from what?1.5 5. The first load1.6 6. …

Secure Data Transfer Methods – 4 Secure Types explained (2024)

Secure Data Transfer - Hacking Tutoirals Security Steffen Lippke

How can I send a file securely? I’ll explain four methods, varying in security and complexity. Let’s start! 1 Sending files securely – only for professionals?2 Popular and insecure methods2.1 The TLS / SSL email with attachment2.2 Known messengers with file send function2.3 Transferring via the cloud2.4 Quickly transfer data with file shares3 4 secure …

Is Google Pay safe? Is Apple Pay safe? – The Answer

Is Google Apple Pay safe - Hacking Series Tutorial Steffen Lippke

How secure is payment with Google Pay or Apple Pay? This article explains everything from hardware to data protection about the new contactless payment. Let’s get started! 1 The technology used – NFC2 How secure is this transmission?2.1 Near or far – secure is different!2.2 Modification possible3 What your mobile phone can do with NFC3.1 …

Encrypted Phone – Most Secure Phones + How to make

Encrypted Phone - Hacking Tutoirals Security Steffen Lippke

How secure is an encrypted phone? How does it work? This guide explains the phone + how to make your own for free. Let’s get started! 1 What is an encrypted smartphone?2 How bug-proof are crypto mobile phones?2.1 Do I need a encrypted mobile phone?2.2 Ways in which the state can eavesdrop2.3 Trust or mistrust …

Remove Malware – 4 Ways explained Step-by-Step (2024)

Guide Malware entfernen- Steffen Lippke

How can I remove malware? Your computer is infected with a virus, Trojan or other malware … … this guide is intended to give a beginner’s introduction to malware removal. Let’s start! 1 What is Malware?1.1 How does malware get onto my computer?2 How do I recognize malware?3 Tutorial Removing Malware4 Automatic cleaning with an …


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