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Category «Transform data to knowledge»

Data Science Tutorials- Steffen Lippke

How can I extract knowledge from data? How can I transform data into profit?

Data Science helps you to generate new insights from an (un)structured sea of data.

I explain to you the mathematical concepts and suitable Data Science tools!

How to Code Your Own AI – Step-by-Step Beginner Guide

Code your own AI - Coding Tutorial Steffen Lippke

Would you like to code artificial intelligence? I’ll show you the essential basics and 3 methods for programming your first AI. Let’s get started! What is Artificial Intelligence? Because computer scientists have not yet agreed on a definitive and standardised definition, you can sell almost any software “as artificial intelligence”. I (and other computer scientists) …

How Can I Go Paperless in My Office? The Guide

Go Paperless - Steffen Lippke Coding Tutorials

Tired of piles of paper? Then this guide is for you! Let’s get started! What is a paperless office? The paperless office is still a dream in 2025. Many believe that paper is increasing year on year. Forget “paperless”, instead aim for your “paperless” office. You can switch 95% of your private and business office …

Block Spam Mail – The 8 Best Methods + Tutorial 2025

Block Spam Mails - Hacking Series Tutorial Steffen Lippke

You want to block spam mail? I’ll explain you all the possibilities to get rid of the annoying mails. Let’s get started! What is Spam? What is Ham? Spam e-mails are annoying: Between advertising offers, malware mails and guaranteed gambling winnings (spam), the important, genuine e-mails (ham) cavort. Spam is everywhere. In the old days, …

Support Vector Machine explained > Example + Python GUIDE

Support Vector Machine explained - - Coding Lab Steffen Lippke

What the heck is a Support Vector Machine? Complex data science is not as complex as you think. This is your explanation to understand Support Vector Machines without prior knowledge! Let’s go ! What is a Support Vector Machine A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised machine learning model that divides individual objects into …

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