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Category «Transform data to knowledge»

Data Science Tutorials- Steffen Lippke

How can I extract knowledge from data? How can I transform data into profit?

Data Science helps you to generate new insights from an (un)structured sea of data.

I explain to you the mathematical concepts and suitable Data Science tools!

How Can I Go Paperless in My Office? The Guide

Tired of piles of paper? Then this guide is for you! Let’s get started! 1 What is a paperless office?2 Why should I digitise?3 Hardware requirements3.1 How much storage do I need?4 Tips for efficient digitisation4.1 Getting less paper into the house4.2 Digitise less5 4 tips for better security for digital documents5.1 Digital folder structure …

Block Spam Mail – The 8 Best Methods + Tutorial 2024

Block Spam Mails - Hacking Series Tutorial Steffen Lippke

You want to block spam mail? I’ll explain you all the possibilities to get rid of the annoying mails. Let’s get started! 1 What is Spam? What is Ham?1.1 Problem with mail addresses – Databreaches2 Comparison of solutions2.1 #1 Most effective solution – Whitelist2.2 #2 Practical solution – Mail Relay2.3 #4 Secret Mail3 What types …

Support Vector Machine explained > Example + Python GUIDE

Support Vector Machine explained - - Coding Lab Steffen Lippke

What the heck is a Support Vector Machine? Complex data science is not as complex as you think. This is your explanation to understand Support Vector Machines without prior knowledge! Let’s go ! 1 What is a Support Vector Machine2 Application of the Support Vector Machine3 Explanation with an example3.1 The ancient grizzly vs. the …


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