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Category «Technical Hacking»

Ethical Hacking
How can I learn hacking to protect systems and make them more secure?

How can I penetrate other people’s computers and actively exploit security vulnerabilities?

Here you will learn everything about technical hacking.

Fingerprint Scanner Not Working – Best Tips and Tricks (2025)

Fingerprint Sensor not working - Steffen Lippke Coding Tutorials

The fingerprint sensor is not responding? This tutorial will help you troubleshoot and give you an insight into the security of the sensor! Let’s start.. [toc] How does a fingerprint sensor work? Every finger has a characteristic structure, the fingerprint, which a sensor can pick up with light photography or contact conductivity. The sensor scans …

What is a Sandbox Environment? Explanation + Tools Alternative

What is a sandbox - Security Tutorials Steffen Lippke

Sandbox in software development? No idea! I’ll introduce you to the sandbox in this post. Practical tutorial on how to create and use a sandbox. What is a Sandbox? A sandbox is an isolated area in a computer. Any data processing within the sandbox has no effect on the external system. A sandbox is used …

Bluetooth does not work Android / iPhone (connection)

Solve Bluetooth Issues - Security Tutorials Steffen Lippke

Who hasn’t experienced it: Bluetooth problems always occur when you don’t need them: How can I solve the problems quickly and prevent the causes? This guide explains the solutions. Let’s get started! What is Bluetooth? The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) developed Bluetooth as a standard for wireless communication over a short distance (1 m …

20 Must-Have Hacking Apps on Android for 2025

Hust Have Android Apps - Hacking Series Steffen Lippke

Need a few free hacking apps? The more open Android platform offers a wide range. I’ll show you the top 20 apps. Let’s get started! What are hacking apps? These apps are Android applications that help white hats detect vulnerabilities in software anddiscover privacy liars. The white hat examines apps, Wi-Fi networks and other devices …

Hack wifi password – Unlimited Streaming with no data usage

Hack Wifi

Haven’t you ever wanted to hack wifi password? Stream 4K videos without data consumption? It’s possible! Anyone can crack the standard encryption of wireless networks. I’ll show you two ways to get free internet. Let’s start! [toc] Basics: How does wifi work? Wlan (Wireless Local Area Network) means wireless local network. You are usually connected …

Is hacking illegal? When is it punishable?


Is hacking illegal? Are all hackers criminals? I would like to clarify this question in this article and give a comprehensive overview of the use of hacking tools. Let’s begin Representation in Film, Television Press News channels often show similar clips when the newscasters report a hacking attack at company Y or government agency X. …

How to use Shodan – Stop IoT Threats effectively

Shadon Tutorial - Hacking Series Tutorial Steffen Lippke

How can I understand the IoT threat? And what does Shodan have to do with it? This guide explains everything you need to know about this topic. Let’s get started! What is IoT? “Internet of Things” is another great buzzword that every 2nd startup is advertising with today. Any technical device that is connected to …

29 Hacking Tools – Free Hacker Tools + Software (2025)


Do you know the best 29 hacking tools for every ethical hacker? What tools are available on the internet to crack passwords, search for vulnerabilities and to break out operating systems? Here are the TOP 29! Aren’t hacking tools illegal? This list should be illegal! Breaking into other people’s systems without permission is not allowed …

Learn Hacking – 10 Steps from Beginner to Hacker [2025]

Want to learn hacking? This is your beginner’s guide. This article explains you 2 strategies: Let’s get started! Why should I learn hacking? Many legal reasons motivate legal “white hats” worldwide to get involved with this topic. I hack because, … Is hacking illegal? You are allowed to hack if you penetrate your own systems …

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