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Home Office Security – TOP 14 Actions Checklist (2024)

Home Office Security Tipps

What does good home office security look like ? What is different? More dangerous or more secure? This guide gives you 14 concrete tips on how to continue IT security in the home office. Let’s get started! 1 What’s different about working from home?1.1 What are the risks?1.2 What makes it difficult?2 14 Tips for …

Bluetooth does not work Android / iPhone (connection)

Who hasn’t experienced it: Bluetooth problems always occur when you don’t need them: How can I solve the problems quickly and prevent the causes? This guide explains the solutions. Let’s get started! 1 What is Bluetooth?1.1 How does Bluetooth work?1.2 What do the Bluetooth versions mean?2 Most common problems and solutions2.1 #1 Bluetooth will not …

Database Types – The 8 Most Important Products in 2024

Which database types should you know? What are the differences? Which one should I choose? This article aims to answer these questions. Let’s get started! 1 So many databases – why?1.1 Relational – SQL1.2 Not ONLY relational – NoSQL1.3 Which database should I choose?2 8 Examples of Databases2.1 Relational databases – the enduring classic2.2 Graphs …

Why IT Security, Climate or Pension does not improve!

IT security, climate protection and pensions – 3 different topics have so much in common. Nothing is happening! This article explains why the issues of the future are not being tackled by yourself or by politicians! Let’s get started! 1 No initiative and bad laws – why?1.1 Better IT security1.2 Where is climate protection?1.3 Why …

Best OneNote Alternatives – Anytime & Any Device

What is the best OneNote alternative for handwritten notes and text? This article explains how you can switch from OneNote to a note-taking alternative with full control over your own data and more features. Let’s get started! 1 Why should I switch from OneNote?1.1 #1 No privacy1.2 #2 Dependency1.3 #3 Microsoft integration only1.4 #4 Bugs …

Locate Mobile Phone – 7 Best Methods for iPhone Android

How can I locate a mobile phone quickly and easily? This guide explains 7 tracking methods to find your device again. Let’s get started! 1 Tracking is not just GPS1.1 Basic principles2 The classic – Global Position System (GPS)3 The flexible solution – wireless LAN4 Silence – Global System for Mobile Systems (GSM)5 The exact …

20 Must-Have Hacking Apps on Android for 2024

Hust Have Android Apps - Hacking Series Steffen Lippke

Need a few free hacking apps? The more open Android platform offers a wide range. I’ll show you the top 20 apps. Let’s get started! 1 What are hacking apps?1.1 Are these applications dangerous?1.2 Isn’t that illegal?1.3 What does it cost?1.4 Who uses them in the real business world?1.5 How do they work?2 The TOP …

How Can I Go Paperless in My Office? The Guide

Tired of piles of paper? Then this guide is for you! Let’s get started! 1 What is a paperless office?2 Why should I digitise?3 Hardware requirements3.1 How much storage do I need?4 Tips for efficient digitisation4.1 Getting less paper into the house4.2 Digitise less5 4 tips for better security for digital documents5.1 Digital folder structure …

Installing Docker Compose – The Compose File Guide

How can I install Docker Compose? This guide explains how Docker Compose works. Let’s get started! 1 What is Docker?2 What is a Docker Compose?3 Why favour Docker Compose?3.1 Forgot something again? – Persistent3.2 Manage thousands of snippets – structure3.3 Automatic start and stop4 Install4.1 Docker4.2 Docker-Compose5 The Docker Compose file5.1 Images5.2 Ports and network5.3 …

How to Setup a Virtual Machine on Windows – VMware (2024)

Setup a Virutal Machine - Coding Tutorials Steffen Lippke

Creating a virtual machine – easy? How does a virtual machine works? This tutorial will give you an introduction to the world of virtualisation. In 6 steps, I will show you how to create and use your own Linux virtual machine. 1 What is a virtual machine?1.1 Hypervisor 2 – The engine behind virtual machines1.2 …

What comes after the cloud? The anti-cloud is taking off!

Die Anti Cloud erklärt Tutorial - Steffen Lippke Coding Lab

Cloud – a trend. But what comes next? The experts see “the anti-cloud” on the horizon. What will that be? And why? 1 What is an anti-cloud?2 The hidden disadvantages of the cloud3 Tutorial – Your first anti-cloud3.1 Correct planning3.2 The right hardware3.3 Flexible software for you4 Disadvantages of the anti-cloud4.1 How can a person …

Clean Code Examples – You Cheat Sheet for Better Code

Clean Code Examples - Coding Tutorials Steffen Lippke

Want to write clean code? This 3-part tutorial gives you the code examples with tips and tricks for practice! Let’s get started! What is clean code? Clean code consists of logically structured and intuitively named variables and functions that anyone with a basic knowledge of the programming language can overview and understand in a reasonable …

Typescript Tutorial for Beginners: 6-Step Guide with Examples

TypeScript Guide - Coding Tutorials Steffen Lippke

Do you need an introduction to TypeScript? Angular, React and Ionic use this language. What makes the language so different? How do I use TypeScript efficiently? This guide gives you a step-by-step introduction! Let’s get started! 1 Challenge: Understanding TypeScript1.1 That would be helpful …1.2 What you need on your computer1.3 Example editor (Visual Studio …

How to Build a Home Server – Your Homelab on Budget

Homeserver Guide - Coding Tutorials Steffen Lippke

Building a home server? How can this be done quickly, easily and without a lot of subsequent maintenance? This guide gives you the answers to these questions! Let’s get started! 1 Why do I need a home server?1.1 #1 The best price-performance ratio1.2 #2 All customization1.3 Own your data2 Cost trap or savings2.1 Is the …

Jenkins Pipeline Syntax Tutorial – Beginners Guide (2024)

You need a Jenkins tutorial? Here is the complete introduction to CI / CD. Let’s get started! 1 What is Jenkins?2 Why should I use a pipeline?2.1 Fast, faster, pipeline2.2 Better quality through automated testing2.3 The overview – bringing the individual parts together2.4 IT includes manual labour – reducing manual tasks2.5 Multicore – parallelisation of …

Improve Page Loading Speed – Your Time Advantage

Improve Webpage Speed - Coding Tutorials Steffen Lippke

How do I improve the loading time of my website? Why do some websites with images load faster than text websites? You will find the necessary knowledge in this tutorial! Let’s start. 1 Why should the website be a few seconds faster?1.1 Don’t I just need better hardware?2 How do I measure loading times?2.1 Classic …

Which storage is most secure? Best Option on Market

Secure Storage Types - Hacking Tutoirals Security Steffen Lippke

You need a secure storage? You’ve often heard the term, but you can’t do anything with it. I’ll show you all the ways you can store content securely at low cost. Let’s get started! 1 What does secure mean?2 Surviving hardware failures2.1 Every storage device has a limited lifespan2.2 Implementation with home servers3 Most secure …

Encrypt Email Outlook – 10 Steps Tutorial (2024)

You want to encrypt an email in outlook? The content is top secret and only the recipient should be able to read the message? This guide will give you instructions. Let’s start! 1 Why are normal (secure) emails not secure?1.1 The inventor of e-mail1.2 Encryption was not necessary in the past ..2 What is the …

Databases Types – The 8 Examples You Need To Know

All Database Types - Coding Tutorials Steffen Lippke

Which database examples should one know? What are the differences? Which one should I choose? These are the questions this article aims to clarify. Let’s begin! 1 So many databases – Why?1.1 Relational – SQL1.2 Not ONLY relational – NoSQL1.3 Which database should I choose?2 8 examples of databases2.1 Relational databases – The enduring classic2.2 …

Secure Boot Enabling? Theft protection and encryption

Secure Boot Explained - Hacking Tutoirals Security Steffen Lippke

What is Secure Boot? This article explains Secure Boot and how you can effectively protect your data. Let’s start! 1 What happens when booting with Secure Boot?1.1 1. The power of the button1.2 2. Warming up – But what first?1.3 3. The all-round check-up1.4 4. Booting yes, but from what?1.5 5. The first load1.6 6. …


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